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Urinary Tract Infection

UTI is an acronym for Urinary Tract Infection and before understanding what UTI is, a proper understanding of the functioning of the excretory system of our body will not be out of place.

During normal metabolism, body cells produce wastes like carbon dioxide and urea. Blood that contains waste enters the kidneys that remove urea, excess water and other harmful substances from it. Purified blood returns to circulation and the wastes are excreted. The fluid that remains, urine, leaves each kidney through a tube, ureter, into a sac like organ called the bladder. The bladder stores urine until it can be released from the body. When you urinate, the bladder muscles help push urine out through the urethra and out. In men urethra passes through the penis and in women it opens just in front of the vagina. A muscle squeezes the bladder shut to keep urine in and relaxes to facilitate urination.

The urinary tract comprises of organs from the kidneys to the urethra. Any infection in this tract is called UTI and necessitates a bladder infection treatment and/or urinary tract infection cure.