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In general, steps to prevent urinary tract infection (UTI) can help prevent kidney infections. These steps include the following:

  • Obtain treatment for UTI as soon as possible.
  • Stay hydrated so that bacteria can be efficiently removed from the body. Caffeine, which can cause dehydration, should be avoided and water and non-caffeinated beverages are best. Cranberry juice can help prevent bacteria from attaching to the wall of the bladder. (Due to a risk for a reaction that can cause excessive bleeding, patients who take blood-thinning medications [warfarin or Coumadin®] should check with their health care provider before drinking cranberry juice.)
  • When using the toilet, always wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from moving toward the urethra.
  • Do not regularly resist the urge to urinate. This gives bacteria more time to multiply in the bladder and to spread. Urinating after sexual intercourse can help eliminate bacteria.
  • Keep the genital area clean by washing carefully and gently. Showers are recommended over baths, because excess moisture can help an infection spread. Women should avoid using scented soaps and deodorant feminine products.


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